Install & Configure Magento 2 Backend Launcher

Install & Configure Magento 2 Backend Launcher

It is the requirement of every store owner to have an interface with which they can easily manage their store without any hassle. Web design and development has evolved from static pages to more simple but sophisticated applications and one main that is common and people would opt to use is the search function. Search functions come in handy and they help us reduce the number of click that users make and thereby making it simple for them and also saving user time. Today we are going to use a simple but useful Magento extension for searching and accessing pages in admin panel. You can easily search for the page that you want to access and this module would load up the respective page for you.

Yes, the Magento 2 Backend Launcher is one of the most useful functions where you can just search for the page name and the Backend Launcher would provide you with suggestions from which you can choose the page that you want and this tool would load the respective page for you. It is as simple as that. We will be going through the step by step processes on how to install the Magento 2 Backend Launcher and how to configure and use the same.

Steps to Install and Configure Magento 2 Backend Launcher:

1. Navigate to the following URL from where you can download the module package:

2. Click on Clone or download button and click on the Download ZIP button to download the module package to your local machine.

3. One the package is downloaded to your local machine, login to your website server via FTP.

4. Navigate to your magento installation 's docroot and navigate to app/code folder.

5. Create a folder named Elgentos and enter into it.

6. Create a folder named BackendLauncher inside the Elgentos folder and enter into it. Your folder structure should be like the following:

<magento docroot>/app/code/Elgentos/BackendLauncher/

7. Once the file upload is completed, navigate back to the docroot of your Magento installation.

8. From your Magento installation root directory, execute the following commands in sequence:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

php bin/magento cache:flush

php bin/magento cache:clean

9. Execute the following command to check if the module is successfully installed. You should get the message "Module is Enabled":

php bin/magento module:status Elgentos_BackendLauncher

10. Once we have the module enabled, now we can go to the Magento admin panel.

11. On the top right of the pages, you would start to see a new + icon. Once you click on this icon, you will have a popup opened with a search box. You can type in the name of the page that you want to access. The module would suggest list of all the matching pages. You can choose your page from the list and once you press the Enter button, you will be loaded with the respective page.

Magento2 Backend Launcher Plus Icon

Magento2 Backend Launcher

That's all folks!!

Do you have any better way to handle such feature?? Let us know in comments and also do ping us via Skype for any assistance.

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